Copper Cathode – Purchase Supply

Glenfield Commodities supplies copper cathode on a large scale to clients around the world. We offer two grades of electrolytic copper cathode which is produced in sheets.


We offer LME no-registered production from refineries in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) under specific terms and conditions. We satisfy a limited range of buyers as we have an obligation to support our refineries with copper ore and finance their production. Clients who wish for delivery without prepayment, are out of our possibilities. We are focused on buyers who are mostly end users, as there is very limited space for traders who cannot afford to pay for the products in steps as described in our FCO.


Click on request a quote to get a Full Corporate Offer.

We have physical and quality control of the highest quality to protect our buyers’ interest and our good name. All transaction are under supervision of our special armoured squad.

Zambia and DRC

Copper Cathode Supply


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